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Roses and Mixed Chrysanthemums Bouquet
Regal Red roses and white chrysanthemus and Yellow Chrysanthemums_11zon
Regal Red roses and white chrysanthemus_11zon
Regal Red roses and white chrysanthemus and Purple Chrysanthemums_11zon
Regal Red roses and white chrysanthemus Green Chrysanthemums_11zon
Regal Red roses and white chrysanthemus and Yellow Chrysanthemums_11zon
Regal Red roses and white chrysanthemus and Lilac Chrysanthemums_11zon
Regal Red Roses and MixChry Yellow Chrysanthemums white Chrysanthemums_11zon
Regal Red Roses and MixChry Yellow Chrysanthemums white Chrysanthemums_11zon
Regal Red Roses & Mix Chry Yellow Chrysanthemums_11zon
Regal Red Roses and Mix Chry Red Chrysanthemums,Green Chrysanthemums_11zon
Regal Red Roses & Mix Chry Yellow Chrysanthemums_11zon
Roses and Chry1-min
Roses and Chry-min
Roses and Chry1-min
Regal 5 Peas in a Pod Red Roses White Roses and Chrysanthemums 6_17_11zon
Roses and Chry1
Regal 5 Peas in a Pod Red Roses Mixed Chrys_4_11zon
Regal Red roses and white chrysanthemus and Yellow Chrysanthemums_11zonRegal Red roses and white chrysanthemus_11zonRegal Red roses and white chrysanthemus and Purple Chrysanthemums_11zonRegal Red roses and white chrysanthemus Green Chrysanthemums_11zonRegal Red roses and white chrysanthemus and Yellow Chrysanthemums_11zonRegal Red roses and white chrysanthemus and Lilac Chrysanthemums_11zonRegal Red Roses and MixChry Yellow Chrysanthemums white Chrysanthemums_11zonRegal Red Roses and MixChry Yellow Chrysanthemums white Chrysanthemums_11zonRegal Red Roses & Mix Chry Yellow Chrysanthemums_11zonRegal Red Roses and Mix Chry Red Chrysanthemums,Green Chrysanthemums_11zonRegal Red Roses & Mix Chry Yellow Chrysanthemums_11zonRoses and Chry1-minRoses and Chry-minRoses and Chry1-minRegal 5 Peas in a Pod Red Roses White Roses and Chrysanthemums 6_17_11zonRoses and Chry1Regal 5 Peas in a Pod Red Roses Mixed Chrys_4_11zon

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Roses and Mixed Chrysanthemums Bouquet

Bouquet of Roses and Mixed Chrysanthemums


Lovely arrangement of roses beautifully surrounded with mixed chrysanthemum flowers. Colours may vary. wrapped in a bouquet or with optional add-on vase. To get the best reaction this is the bouquet to go for….

– Free Flower food included with all arrangements


Entry bouquet mixed chrys and 2 roses | ₦79,300Xsmall bouquet mixed chrys and 4 roses | ₦126,500Small bouquet mixed chrys and 6 roses | ₦179,500Medium bouquet mixed chrys and 8 roses | ₦227,500Standard bouquet mixed chrys and 10 roses | ₦288,500Standard plus bouquet mixed chrys and 12 roses | ₦345,000Standard premium bouquet mixed chrys and 15 roses | ₦459,500
VIP entry bouquet mixed chrys and 20 roses | ₦614,500VIP medium bouquet mixed chrys and 25 roses | ₦774,500VIP standard bouquet mixed chrys and 30 roses | ₦911,000VIP standard plus bouquet mixed chrys and 40roses | ₦1,425,500VIP standard premium bouquet mixed chrys and 55 roses | ₦1,575,000VIP large bouquet mixed chrys and 70 roses | ₦1,942,500VIP executive bouquet mixed chrys and 90 roses | ₦2,310,000VIP executive plus bouquet 120 roses | ₦3,097,500VIP executive premium bouquet mixed chrys and 150 roses | ₦3,885,000VIP first class bouquet mixed chrys and 180 roses | ₦4,773,500

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Lovely arrangement of roses beautifully surrounded with chrysanthemum flowers.


  • Order online now,  or call/whatsapp +2347010006664, +2347010006665, +2347011992888 to order.
  • You can order now and get it delivered up to a year later
  • Optional flower vases are available
  • We reserve the right to interchange comparable products based on availability.