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5 Peas in a Pod Box Arrangement
Mixed Chrysanthemums and Roses
Roses & Mixed Chrysanthemums
Roses and Mixed Chrysanthemums
Red Roses and Mixed Chrysanthemums
Regal 5 Peas in a Pod Red Roses Pink Roses and Chrysanthemums 11_5_11zon
Regal 5 Peas in a Pod Red Roses Pink Roses and Chrysanthemums 1_10_11zon
Regal 5 Peas in a Pod Red Roses Pink Roses and Chrysanthemums 2_19_11zon
Red Roses, Lilac Chrysanthemums,a bouquet of flower, flower in Lagos, fresh flower in Lagos, flower delivery in Lagos, same day flower delivery company in Lagos, bouquet of flower, Anniversaries
Red Roses, White Chrysanthemums, Yellow chrysanthemums and Lilac with Gypso and Ferrero Chocolate, Chrysanthemums, Flowers in Abuja, Same day Delivery in Abuja, Flowers for her
Pink Roses, white chrysanthemums a bouquet of flower, flower in Lagos, fresh flower in Lagos, flower delivery in Lagos, same day flower delivery company in Lagos, bouquet of flower, Anniversaries
Regal 5 Peas in a Pod Red Roses Pink Roses and Chrysanthemums 7_26_11zon
RegalflowersMixed Chrysanthemums and RosesRoses & Mixed ChrysanthemumsRoses and Mixed ChrysanthemumsRed Roses and Mixed ChrysanthemumsRegal 5 Peas in a Pod Red Roses Pink Roses and Chrysanthemums 11_5_11zonRegal 5 Peas in a Pod Red Roses Pink Roses and Chrysanthemums 1_10_11zonRegal 5 Peas in a Pod Red Roses Pink Roses and Chrysanthemums 2_19_11zonRed Roses, Lilac Chrysanthemums,a bouquet of flower, flower in Lagos, fresh flower in Lagos, flower delivery in Lagos, same day flower delivery company in Lagos, bouquet of flower, AnniversariesRed Roses, White Chrysanthemums, Yellow chrysanthemums and Lilac with Gypso and Ferrero Chocolate, Chrysanthemums, Flowers in Abuja, Same day Delivery in Abuja, Flowers for herPink Roses, white chrysanthemums a bouquet of flower, flower in Lagos, fresh flower in Lagos, flower delivery in Lagos, same day flower delivery company in Lagos, bouquet of flower, AnniversariesRegal 5 Peas in a Pod Red Roses Pink Roses and Chrysanthemums 7_26_11zon

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5 Peas in a Pod Box Arrangement

Roses and Mixed Chrysanthemums



A selective mix of chrysanthemums and roses in a sophisticated box of roses

– Free Flower food included with all arrangements


Standard box 24cm | ₦288,500Standard plus box 27cm | ₦345,000Standard premium box 30cm | ₦459,500
VIP entry box 33cm | ₦614,500VIP medium box 36cm | ₦774,500VIP standard box 39cm | ₦911,000VIP standard plus box 42cm | ₦1,425,500VIP standard premium box 45cm | ₦1,575,000VIP large box 48cm | ₦1,942,500VIP executive box 51cm | ₦2,310,000VIP executive plus box 54cm | ₦3,097,500VIP executive premium box 57cm | ₦3,885,000VIP first class box 60cm | ₦4,773,500

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Lovely arrangement of roses beautifully surrounded with chrysanthemums flowers in our delightful box .

  • Order online now,  or call/whatsapp +2347010006664, +2347010006665, +2347011992888 to order.
  • You can order now and get it delivered up to a year later
  • Optional flower vases are available
  • We reserve the right to interchange comparable products based on availability.