Timeless wrapped bouquet arrangement of graceful fresh Pink Roses accentuated with sparkling Million Stars. This is a great gift specifically for a lady…. Few things can compare to the joys and emotions a bouquet of pink roses and babies breadth (gypso) can provide. For those who don’t like sharing desserts, this is a treat they can have all to themselves, and they’ll be addicted.
Pink roses and million stars bouquet is a timeless arrangement of graceful fresh Pink Roses accentuated with sparkling Million Star (gypsophila) or hypericum berry or static. Pink roses are used to show appreciation and gratitude, especially dark pink roses. Light pink roses are usually indicative of admiration and/or sympathy.
Regal flowers is the most trusted online fresh flower shop in Nigeria. Looking for where to buy Pink Roses and Million Stars in Nigeria? You can choose from an assortment of flowers in Lagos and Abuja. Order from us today to enjoy same-day delivery on your items.