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3 minutes
15 Great Cheesy Love Quotes To Send With Fresh Flowers
Flowers of all types , whether roses, lilies, chrysanthemums, carnations and so on, are a great way to express our innermost feelings to loved ones and families, as they speak a thousand words, whether for romantic purposes, to apologize, or just to reach out. Even better however, is when we are able to include a heartfelt message to go along with the flowers we buy, and recognizing that not everyone can write an epistle stating how they feel (Like me), I have researched some (admittedly cheesy) lifesaving quotes you could express yourself with below…and you are welcome to include yours in th...Continue Reading
2 minutes
Dear Lara, I Met This Lady, But Like Her Friend More
Question: I recently met a nice lady, Lily, and she subsequently brought her friend, Rose, along when we hungout. During the course of the day and subsequent interactions with them however, I realized I had a lot more in common with Rose, and am now more attracted to her. How do I proceed without hurting Lily’s feelings, and also without missing a potential life mate in Rose. – A tale of two ladies Answer: This is a dicey one, as hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, especially considering the two ladies are friends. Eventually however, the points to consider are; 1) How close they bo...Continue Reading
3 minutes