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4 minutes
7 Benefits Of Having Lucky Bamboo In Your Home
Lucky bamboo as the name implies is that plant you’d want to have around you, most especially in your home. With its long green stalks and bamboo-like leaves, it’s easy to see where the Lucky Bamboo plant gets its name from. But don’t let that fool you – it’s not actually bamboo. The Lucky Bamboo plant is also known as Dracaena sanderiana, a perennial shrub native to Central Africa. It’s beautiful, easy to grow, and complete with a long list of interesting features and benefits. In this post we would be highlighting 7 benefits of having lucky bamboo in your home 1. BELIEVED TO ...Continue Reading
2 minutes
Dear Lara, I Met This Lady, But Like Her Friend More
Question: I recently met a nice lady, Lily, and she subsequently brought her friend, Rose, along when we hungout. During the course of the day and subsequent interactions with them however, I realized I had a lot more in common with Rose, and am now more attracted to her. How do I proceed without hurting Lily’s feelings, and also without missing a potential life mate in Rose. – A tale of two ladies Answer: This is a dicey one, as hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, especially considering the two ladies are friends. Eventually however, the points to consider are; 1) How close they bo...Continue Reading
3 minutes